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Norfolk Terrier

The Norfolk Terrier

One of the smallest working terriers, the Norfolk Terrier is active, compact, and hardy, considered to be the “perfect demon” in the field. Farmers and hunters admire the breed’s gameness, loyalty, and great charm. Known for his drop ears, the Norfolk Terrier has a wiry, weather-resistant coat that can be red, wheaten, black and tan, or grizzle.


A native of England, the Norfolk used to be considered the same breed as the Norwich Terrier. Comfortable working alone or in packs, it was developed as a barnyard ratter and used to bolt vermin such as fox from their dens during hunts. In 1979 the drop-eared variety became known as the Norfolk Terrier and the prick-eared version of the Norwich Terrier. Today, the two breeds have slight differences and different breed standards.


Energetic and spry, the Norfolk Terrier does well with other animals and families. They are known for their ability to adapt to different situations, making the breed ideal for either the city or country lifestyle. They make affectionate and loyal companions and enjoy walks and spending time with their owners. The Norfolk’s coat requires regular grooming, including brushing and stripping.

  • Terrier Group; AKC recognized in 1979.
  • Approximately 9-10 inches tall at the shoulder and 11-12 pounds. Females may be smaller.
  • Vermin hunter.


  • Apartment is ok.
  • Fairly active indoors.


  • Daily vigorous exercise.


  • Daily combing and brushing.
  • Light shedding.

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